OOTD | What I'm Wearing at Home for Zoom Meetings

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Meeting after virtual meeting...it all comes down to what do I wear? They can't see me from the waist down so why worry? Well, I'm not trying to be the anchorman with no pants lol. I'm always scared my computer will fall into my lap and everyone will see my God-given glory. Yeap that's my worst nightmare.

So I wake up like it's a normal day of me heading into the office. I usually have 2-3 outfits set aside because I never wake up early enough to pick. I never like anything I picked out and I don't know why that is...mood swings I guess. I need to look business-casual even if I'm at home because I never know when a call will come in.

What I do know is, a plaid blazer will save my day! I don't know what it is about a plaid blazer but it makes me feel festive. I picked this one up on the sales rack at H&M. I'm not big on wearing bright colors especially red. I think it's such a bold color and my personality is already big enough. I also picked up his leopard print red button-up. Yall know I love a good button-up for work. (Don't worry my boobs don't be hanging out like they do in this picture lol - Vegas wind is so disrespectful).

I paired it with my grey fedora and black shorts from Target.

The purse is by JW Pei...I was introduced By KarenBritChick.

Shoes are Forever 21.


Would you wear this to your zoom/video conference meeting? Do you have a fear like me (unable to go pantless)? Have you ever had a video conference fail? I wanna hear about it tell me in the comment section.

Special Thanks : (Photography)

Jermaine Edgar captured these amazing photos! Please make sure to check out his website and IG@evergeiv < Support Black Professionals.

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification.
This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research.
This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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  1. We absolutely love how you styled these pieces. The red on your skin is AMAZING

  2. I love this look because if you have to dress for Zoom make it worth it!! I would totally wear it. I usually keep leggings on during my meetings because I am also scared of being pant less on video.

    1. Thank you! I wish I could wear leggings but they aren't my style. As a pear shaped girl with a huge back side...it's a no for me lol. Too many layers in this Vegas heat will kill me. I'll stick to jeans and sweat pants if I really don't want to dressed up.

  3. Love this! You are so much better than me. When it comes to Zoom meetings my camera stays off lol. Making a commitment to put on an outfit for the next one! ����

    1. Yes, switch it up. Trust me it makes a different. People will definitely notice. Showing up on video is a form of confidence but also networking.I show up and say little but people remember my face and my title. So if they don't remember what I do or say they will remember my smile or my clothes.

  4. I agree with you, a blazer will pull any look together. Really love your Zoom style. I have not had to be on Zoom for work only with friends, but I make sure I am casual and cute before I get on.

    1. Yes, if you would dress up for brunch then a zoom chat isn't too different. Our friends want to see us well. They want to be inspired but our presence and I feel clothing and colors help with that. I'm always one convo away from making someone smile. That's why I do it.

  5. Cute look! I'm so glad I don't have to do zoom meetings. We have church over zoom and I block the video lol.

    1. I heard a lot of people are doing church over zoom. How does that work? I just watch my pastor online because I'm not in L.A. But when I can go back there and there's no social distancing I will be there. My church you go dressed how ever. I typically wear jeans and a nice blouse. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you come back.


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