DIY Wall Art | Boob Line Art

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I've loved line art since the first time I saw a Japanese comic (manga). I loved the sketches and the character. I loved the raw and simplistic take on life. So I decided to incorporate that into my home decor.

Boobs are givers of nurture the physical form of human existence. I'm into erotic art but I never want to force that on the visitors in my home so I decided boobs weren't so provocative lol and it would still be a good conversation piece.

I picked up two frames from IKEA on sale for 6.99. I purchase two poster boards for 50 cents each at Dollar Tree, a black sharpie, scissors, a pack of pencils (don't suggest because the erasers were horrible), and boom that's all you really need. Go online and find your favorite line art and practice a few times before giving it a go.

I'm not much of the artist I used to be but I hope to spend more time doing that on my porch once it's completed. I love making art and learning about artists. Hope you would check out my other DIY blog post for your home decor and get some inspiration from my Pinterest board. If you're really interested to join my tribe where I talk more about fashion, beauty, and business.

Thanks for stopping by, Happy New Year!

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification. This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research. This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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