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Monday, December 31, 2018

Hey Androgynines,

I finally got sick and tired of sleeping on an air mattress for three months and decided to put my money where my bank account wasn't. This is the story of how I bought my first mattress and how I feel about the hype of bed-in-a-box or memory foam mattress after purchasing one from Amazon.

I haven't done a decor blog in a really long time but couldn't pass up the opportunity to share some new purchases I've made for my current place. This particular purchase has to be the most important one of all...seriously, I'm almost 31 and this is the first time I've purchased a mattress or a bed frame. I know how crazy is that? Of course, I head to my favorite online retailer, Amazon. I swear Amazon always saves the day when it comes to finding affordable items for your life.

I searched for memory foams matresses on Amazon and Live and Sleep Queen Mattress - Memory Foam Mattress - 10 Inch Cool Bed in a Box was one of the first ones to pop up. I saved it to my list on Amazon and moved on to saving 10 more after watching many Youtube reviews. I couldn't find reviews on this bed and that left me feeling weird. After checking the reviews and testing out a few beds in person at a furniture store I realized this was the bed for me. Issue: when I first wanted the bed it was $249.95 and when I purchased it during the peak of Christmas it was $269.95 + taxes = $300. I will tell you this, buy it before the holidays, use Amazon Price (free shipping) or sign up for their credit card and get $50 off. You can easily get this bed for a great price if you price watch it.

Live and Sleep Queen Mattress has a 4.4 out of 5 rating on Amazon. It comes in multiple sizes.

The shipping was fast, I got it in 5 days with their free shipping and I was happy because I had delivered the same day as the bed frame (Dec. 24th).

Rating this far: 3.5 stars out of 5

The bed only has 2 inches of memory foam the rest is 8 inches of firm polyurethane foam. There's no transition layer which is why this is medium to firm bed-in-a-box. If you would like to make this softer get another memory foam topper of 1-2 inches < this is what I plan to do because I'm a side sleeper. I also just like a plush bed and I would rather pay for a cooling foam topper at 50-100 than get a bed at $600+. I still will have saved $200+.

(Bed - Knox Queen from LivingSpaces)

I think this bed is great for a back sleeper or lightweight stomach sleeper. Anyone more than 175 lbs will sink into the second layer of polyurethane and feel it. I would definitely say if you hit the second layer you will have back pain. You could get a spring/coil hybrid with a memory foam topper and you'd be getting the same effect if not better than this bed.

The polyurethane is great to support the base of the bed but nothing else. You could use this on a platform bed and boxspring due to the polyurethane support.

My issue is: it STUNK! omg, it has the worst foam smell but after 48 hours and having to leave every door/window open in my apartment it went away. I even sprayed it with Fabreeze while it was inflating. I also have to buy another topper because I'm a side sleeper. I wish it had a transition layer.

My love: It came with a foam pillow and I love it! Also, it was easy to take out of the box and inflated to its full potential after 8 hours. My body doesn't get hot and I sleep pretty well.

I want to come back and give a 1-month review on this bed. So come back or check my IG stories @androgynine 

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification. This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research. This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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