DIY Wood Accent Wall | Dollar Tree Contact Paper Hack

Saturday, April 27, 2019

If you're new to decorating and on a budget like me then, you understand that things like wallpaper can cost an arm and leg. Unless you like painting you opt for something a little less messy. I happened to be at my local Dollar Tree when I came across a few bundles of Quick Cover wood contact paper. I was little reluctant at first because I had purchase contact paper from the 99 cents store before and it wasn't long enough for my liking. I gave in and decided to buy a few and see if I could use it for my long walls in my kitchen.

Upon walking into my apartment you can see right into my kitchen. I realized that the first point of entry didn't really showcase the theme of my apartment - African Urban Jungle. The faux wood look given by the contact paper would remind me of the huts back in Africa. At first I just grabbed 10 rolls but quickly realized I needed 12 and head to another store to get more. My suggestion is never just show up to a store, call see if they have what you need in stock, say..."I have an inventory question" so they can refer you to the right person in the store.

What you'll need:

10-20 Rolls of Quick Cover Contact Paper


Staple gun

I spent $12 Faux wood accent wall from Dollar Tree. I also got a staple gun with staples for $5 from a local bargain store. In total = $18 ! NOT including the art from Ross.

 Make sure you take some alcohol an wipe down your walls. A clean wall is easier to work with.

A latter if useful or second pair of hands to help speed up the process.

Once you're done smooth it all out with your hand.

As you can see, I also did the utilities closet - Can you tell me what use to be there? 

(Craftsmen house)

The finish product! I placed Atticus' items next to the wall to create a cat corner by the windows in my kitchen. I created her dinning space below an IKEA bench I covered up with a curtain. I'll discuss this more in another post.

The first aid bag is from Target.

Happy Decorating!

If you like this DIY and use it please let me know by using the hashtag #androgynineDIY 

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification.
This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research.
This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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  1. This is so cute! I love how the wood adds so much personality! Great idea and so affordable.

    1. thank you!!!! It was so plain before since it was my entry I felt it needed a little life.


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