Grow with Google | POCInTech

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

My mind works like Google for images. You put in a keyword; it brings up pictures. 

- Temple Grandin

It was a special treat as a POCinTech ( Person of Color in Tech) to join Google at the East Library for a few seminars on Small Business tools, Job Seeker management, and Productivity all based around the use of Google products. I'd like to consider my self a googlie (a Google groupie) but not strong enough to give up my Apple products.

We were greeted with some Google swag and a name tag. I ushered myself to the back where they had a variety of snacks from local stores. I must say the popcorn was my favorite.

Of course, what would this event be without a little clout to showcase just how much of a Google groupie you are lol. I did not attempt to take a picture with the sign inside but I did without the one outside. 

This is Matt and he's pretty much a genius when it comes to navigating the use of Google products with efficiency for small business. He's a consultant with Google and came to shed some light on how we could use Google tools to grow our engagement and customer base. I learned a lot and I look forward to using these tools when I launch my Image and Wardrobe consulting business - check out what I offer at

I highly suggest attending Grow With Google because:

You will learn how to utilize some key apps that Google has made FREE to the general public.

If you are trying to get a job in Tech, most companies use google suite and these seminars give you hands-on experience with utilizing these tools and you can ask experts questions to get answers.

You will able to grow your business overnight by making some simple changes.

If productivity is your thing, there's a lot you can do with the google cloud function including receive email, save photos (unlimited amount), creating a video conference, uploading excel sheets, creating documents, creating powerpoint slides, calendar appointments, and sharing all of this via one location.

If you want to know more go to [Grow with Google] and see what city they will be in next, it could be yours!

Lastly, if you've got this far...Tell me if you love Google products and what's your favorite tool? 

Until next time, Google me baby!


Top: Oversized Before Guys Polka Dot Shirt by NastyGal

Faux Leather Hat: Guess, Similar - Luxury, Gucci, Similar - Guess

Pants: Joni Jeans - TopShop my size is 32x32

Faux Leather sandals: Charlotte Rousse, Similar - Aldo, Similar - Target, Similar - Luxury, Valentino 

Bag: Reversible City Tote Signature in Black - Coach

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification.
This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research.
This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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