DIY Large Art Work | Dollar Tree Hack

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Decorating your first apartment can be a hassle. This is my second go round and I'm still figuring out what to splurge on and what to bargain. Finding large artwork for a young working professional is always hard. I never thought I'd find a solution until one day I took a walk down the craft aisle at my local Dollar Tree.

I have disappeared from my blog for a while because I've been obsessed with decorating my apartment. After acquiring all my of furniture I decided it was time to style my 800 square foot space. (I know right, why the hell do I have such a big apartment? what the hell was I thinking?) Either way, I had to decorate.

Most posters will you cost $30+ without a frame and then add a frame to the mix and your paying $45+. Overall, a large piece of art work will cost you $75 or more. If you're on new job budget then you're not looking to spend a lot on art. That's when I came up with a great low budget idea.

Recently I made two pieces of art for my new apartment with supplies I picked up from the Dollar Store. Write now I'm really in love with large quotes and line art. I did line art for the woman. I just looked up a picture online and give the art my own twist. This quote, "More Issues Than Vogue" really speaks to my fashionista style.

This entire project cost me $10! Yes, you heard that right. 


Sticky Letters x 3

Poster Board x 2

Twine x 1

Glue Gun with Glue $3

Two Nails x 1

Tip: Use a large piece of twine on the back of the poster board so you can have a floating picture look on your wall.

TIP: Gently place the letters on the board but if you need assistants get a ruler and a pencil and draw lines across to make sure everything is straight.

Finished! I'm in love with the final result. This reminds me of a tumblr style home decor project.

If you really want a frame for your art, just head to your local Ikea and pick up RIBBA wall frame for $17.99 each!

PS, I built a Teepee in the middle of my living room 

{Plenty of DIY on Pinterest about this but I will do another post here if you'd like to know more}.

If you found this Large Artwork DIY useful, please be sure to hashtag me at #AndrogynineDIY 

I would to see what quotes or posters you come up for your home.

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification.
This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research.
This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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