Microwave Peanut Brittle

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yes, you can make peanut Brittle in the Microwave but not so fast it isn't as easy as you think it maybe.

(NOTE: Sorry for the bad photos to follow = used my iphone) Better pictures to come.

Keep it for up to 5-10 days...after that toss it.


Exact cooking times depend on microwave.


1 cup of raw peanuts

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup of light corn syrup 

1/2 tsp of salt

1 tbsp *room temp* butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp of baking soda


1. Prep baking sheet with pam spray or butter

-----Stir after every step-----

2. Microwave syrup and sugar in *microwavable bowl* for 1 min (until syrup is brown)

3. Add in peanuts and butter for 1 minute in the microwave

4. Take it out and make sure the mixture is smooth and easy to mix.

5. Microwave the mixture for  3-5 minutes (the mixture should be bubbling)

6.Add salt and, vanilla extract, baking soda - mix together - (the mixture will foam)

7. Take it out the bowl quickly spread over the baking sheet. Let it set for 3o mins to an 1 hour. 

Break and serve.


if you want it like See's candy - add 1/3 cup of water + 1tps at

step 2.

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This blog is NOT geared toward sexual orientation or gender classification. This blog is based solely on the blog authors experience and research. This blog is geared toward promoting a mixture of masculine and feminine attire and with an integrated genderless lifestyle.

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